Where can I submit a bug report?

In this article we will show you how you can get in contact with our support team

Every time you have a question, a feature you would like to request or even if you want to report a bug on our platform, the Technical Support team is going to be your best friend! But how do you get in contact with us exactly?


Where can you find a point of contact with the Support Team?

Well in fact, you can get in contact with us from pretty much everywhere around our platform! For example:

  • You can find us under your username on the platform:


  • If you're in the middle of work you can find us on the annotation tool:


  • And if by any chance you're reading our documentation, you can also reach out to us from there:


And since you're here, you might as well just reach out to us through this link!

Now that you know how to reach out to us perhaps it's time to learn how to create great bug reports so our team can take the least time possible to actually help you solve your issue. In that case we recommend that you read this article about How to create exceptional bug reports.


If you  encounter any issues during this process, don't hesitate to contact our support team at support@kognic.com 🏆