Why is my annotation time not displayed correctly?

In Kognic, the time you spend working on tasks is recorded as your annotation time.


The calculation of annotation time occurs every time a task is submitted on our platform. It usually takes between 10 and 15 minutes for the time to be accurately reflected on your dashboard.

In rare cases, the calculation of annotation time may take longer than expected. When this occurs, the system completes the calculation during nighttime hours.

What counts as annotation time?

Annotation time includes the active time spent on annotating, correcting, or reviewing tasks. Any breaks longer than 3 minutes are excluded. The annotation time is updated with every task submission, and only includes the active work time on a task.

Why can't I see time spent on objects?

Right now, the dashboard only shows time spent on annotating shapes. But don't worry, your time spent on objects is still counted.

If you  encounter any issues during this process, don't hesitate to contact our support team at support@kognic.com 🏆